Sunday, April 10, 2016

Interpreter of Maladies

Jhumpa Lahiri is an amazing writer! I don't know why I didn't read her works earlier. I heard about Interpreter of Maladies since ages ago (it was published in 1999!) but I have been procrastinating on it.

I got the book in my mailbox last week and I'm done reading it. Beautiful, gorgeous writings! I was totally carried away.... the stories are so moving I couldn't put down the book.

If you have only one book to buy, I recommend this one. You will be pleased!

PS: I just purchased all books by Ms. Lahiri; I can't get enough of her writings.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

M Train

I picked this book because it involves a writer who travels, loves books, and frequents cafe to ponder and write.

Patti Smith is no ordinary person. She is weird and yet enchanting. Who on earth travels the world to visit the graves of her favourite writers/singers/poets? I definitely won't do it. Weird as she is, her thoughts get me thinking. That's why it took me more than two weeks to finish this book. I read a paragraph, found it interesting, and I spent the next few minutes thinking about it.