Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Secret History

This is my second Donna Tartt after The Goldfinch, but it's actually her first book. Tartt is a master of descriptions. Everything is very fluid and she is very good in describing not only the surroundings, but also the human emotions. I find that her style is much more matured in The Goldfinch; but it's still a joy to read The Secret History.

The Secret History is about a bunch of college students who killed one of them. (This is not a spoiler because that's what she revealed in the first sentence of the book) So yeah, the climax is at the start; and then the story builds up on why they did it, and what happened after. I admit that I got bored on the second half of the book but the ending was oh-so-marvelous! 

I enjoy reading Tartt's work because she never fails to give you treats for sticking with her till the end. The way she describes one of the characters, for example: a lowbrow, pop-psychology version of Sylvia Plath... hahahaha.... that's a nice one!

And also, there is this part where everybody was so solemn during a funeral service, and something that is totally irrelevant popped in one chunky paragraph (pic below). Reading about a funeral service is such a chore, and when I found this para I laughed so hard I had to stop and read it more than twice. Gosh, how I love her writing!

So now I'm waiting for her second book The Little Friend to arrive in my mailbox. I can't wait for another fun ride. 

Donna Tartt is not for everyone. There are polarised reviews on her works, and I'm a fan. I have book hangover now; I think I need a few days to recover from The Secret History before moving on to my next book. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Interpreter of Maladies

Jhumpa Lahiri is an amazing writer! I don't know why I didn't read her works earlier. I heard about Interpreter of Maladies since ages ago (it was published in 1999!) but I have been procrastinating on it.

I got the book in my mailbox last week and I'm done reading it. Beautiful, gorgeous writings! I was totally carried away.... the stories are so moving I couldn't put down the book.

If you have only one book to buy, I recommend this one. You will be pleased!

PS: I just purchased all books by Ms. Lahiri; I can't get enough of her writings.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

M Train

I picked this book because it involves a writer who travels, loves books, and frequents cafe to ponder and write.

Patti Smith is no ordinary person. She is weird and yet enchanting. Who on earth travels the world to visit the graves of her favourite writers/singers/poets? I definitely won't do it. Weird as she is, her thoughts get me thinking. That's why it took me more than two weeks to finish this book. I read a paragraph, found it interesting, and I spent the next few minutes thinking about it.